CentOS 6.xにATIドライバインストールすることについての議論


Mar 10, 2013 at 10:05 am by Yves Bellefeuille

I use flgrx from ELRepo. Does this mean that fglrx is now incompatible
with CentOS?

Mar 10, 2013 at 10:16 am by Akemi Yagi

Depend on how “new” your card is. 🙂
The CentOS 6.4 release notes also has this description in the ‘Known
Issues’ section:
“The proprietary drivers for older AMD ( former ATI ) video cards,
namely the 3xxx, 4xxx and 5xxx series ( both integrated in
motherboards or standalone cards) are not compatible with the new
version of the X server introduced in CentOS 6.4. “
More details are in this ELRepo bug report:
(それはあなたのカードがどれくらい新しいかにかかっているよ。CentOS 6.4のリリースノートにも、「分かっている問題点」のセクションにその記述があるし。
「古いAMD(以前のATIのこと)のビデオカード、つまり3xxxとか4xxxや5xxxシリーズ(これはマザーボードに統合されているものもビデオカード単独のものも両方含む)ということだけど、それ用のプロプラエタリドライバはCentOS 6.4で導入されたXサーバの新バージョンとは互換性がないよ」。

Mar 10, 2013 at 10:24 am by Yves Bellefeuille

HD 4800 series, RV770
More details are in this ELRepo bug report:
So I guess I should try enabling the testing repository. Thanks.

Mar 10, 2013 at 7:45 pm by Ned Slider

Unfortunately older Radeon HD 4000, HD 3000, HD 2000 Series are NOT
currently supported as the current AMD driver does NOT support the new
version of Xorg in 6.4.
So your HD 4800 series is NOT supported.
Radeon HD 7000, HD 6000, HD 5000 Series ARE supported by the version
13.1 driver currently in the testing repo. I’ve had a couple of reports
that this driver works so I’ll move it to the main repo shortly. If you
have supporting hardware I would recommend updating to this driver
before performing the 6.4 update.
(残念だけど、古いRadeonHD4000、HD3000、HD2000シリーズは、現行のAMDドライバがCentOS 6.4のXorgの新しいバージョンをサポートしていないから、現在はサポートされていないよ。
RadeonHD7000、HD6000、HD5000シリーズはテストリポジトリにある最新バージョン13.1ドライバーでサポートされているよ。僕はかつてこのドライバーは動作するということと、だからメインのリポジトリに移すことになるだろうという一連のレポートを手短にしたことがある。もし君がサポートハードウェアを持っているんだったら、CentOS 6.4のアップデートをする前にこのドライバにアップデートすることをオススメするよ。)

Mar 12, 2013 at 6:58 am by Trevor Cooper

I’ve read the Known Issues in the C64 Release Notes.
Any thoughts on whether it’s sufficient to ‘exclude=xorg*’ prior to updating
from 6.3 to 6.4 to keep the X server compatible with AMD 4xxx series
card/driver? Will I be the first to try this?

Mar 12, 2013 at 7:47 am by Gé Weijers

I’ve not been able to get a FirePro V7900 to work. This card does not use
the regular ATI drivers, so the 13.1 test driver is useless.

Mar 12, 2013 at 9:15 am by Mark LaPierre

I would guess not because the problem is that the driver is not
compatible with the kernel. The problem does not lie with the X server.

Mar 12, 2013 at 2:20 pm by Ned Slider

No, the problem DOES lie with the X server. The new version of xorg in 6.4
uses ABI 13 and this ABI is NOT supported by the old AMD driver, nor
the current AMD legacy driver supporting older hardware.
You can clearly see from the xorg log the kernel module loads and it’s
the xorg module that fails to load:
(II) LoadModule: “fglrx”
(II) Loading /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/drivers/fglrx_drv.so
(EE) Failed to load /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/drivers/fglrx_drv.so:
/usr/lib64/xorg/modules/drivers/fglrx_drv.so: undefined symbol:
Please read the details in the cited bug:
(II) LoadModule: “fglrx”
(II) Loading /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/drivers/fglrx_drv.so
(EE) Failed to load /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/drivers/fglrx_drv.so:
/usr/lib64/xorg/modules/drivers/fglrx_drv.so: undefined symbol:
Please read the details in the cited bug:

Mar 12, 2013 at 11:33 am Yves Bellefeuille

I can confirm that you can backtrack by enabling the proper vault
repositories (and giving them the appropriate priorities), and then
doing “yum remove xorg-x11-drv-modesetting”, “yum downgrade xorg-x11*”.
(私が思うに、こうしてみればいいんじゃないかな。まず適切に納められたリポジトリを有効にする(そしてそれらに適当なプライオリティを与える)、そしてコマンド「yum remove xorg-x11-drv-modesetting」と「yum downgrade xorg-x11*」することでやり直すことができるんじゃないかな。

Mar 13, 2013 at 2:34 am by Trevor Cooper

While I did not have xorg-x11-drv-modesetting installed (thus did not need to
remove it). I can confirm this was able to get my xorg-x11 downgraded. For the
less educated (myself included BEFORE this process) here is the command that I
used to downgrade my xorg-x11*…yum –enablerepoÆ.3-base –enablerepoÆ.3-updates downgrade xorg-x11*Hope that helps others.
(でも、僕はxorg-x11-drv-modesettingをインストールしてなかったんだ(だからそれを削除する必要もなかった)。はっきり言うけど、これは僕のxorg-x11をダウングレードすることができた、って話だよねぇ。ってか、あんまり詳しくない人(今回の件に入る前の自分も含むけど)は、自分のxorg-x11*をダウングレードしたっていうでしょ。yum –enablerepoÆ.3-base –enablerepoÆ.3-updatesコマンドで、他の人が求めているようなxorg-x11*にダウングレードしたって。)

 Mar 12, 2013 at 2:14 pm by Ned Slider

Yes that works fine, but you also need to exclude mesa* too for the
upgrade. You’re not the first to try this, at least one user I know has
downgraded xorg*, mesa* after a failed update to get things working
again so it’s a confirmed option.

Mar 13, 2013 at 2:24 am by Trevor Cooper

That’s interesting.
A downgrade of xorg-x11* worked for me WITHOUT a downgrade of mesa*.
fglrxinfo and fgl_glxgears work fine for me.

[root ~]# fglrxinfo
display: :0.0 screen: 0
OpenGL vendor string: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
OpenGL renderer string: ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series
OpenGL version string: 3.3.11631 Compatibility Profile Context

How would I know that upgrading mesa* had caused a problem? For example,
glxinfo, glxgears (which depend on libGLU.so.1) work fine.

The update upgraded the following mesa packages…

mesa-dri-drivers x86_64 7.11-5.el6 -> 9.0-0.7.el6
mesa-libGL x86_64 7.11-5.el6 -> 9.0-0.7.el6
mesa-libGL-devel x86_64 7.11-5.el6 -> 9.0-0.7.el6
mesa-libGLU x86_64 7.11-5.el6 -> 9.0-0.7.el6
mesa-libGLU-devel x86_64 7.11-5.el6 -> 9.0-0.7.el6
mesa-libOSMesa x86_64 7.11-5.el6 -> 9.0-0.7.el6
mesa-libOSMesa-devel x86_64 7.11-5.el6 -> 9.0-0.7.el6

…easy enough to downgrade now that I know how but do I need to?
[root ~]# fglrxinfo
display: :0.0 screen: 0
OpenGL vendor string: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
OpenGL renderer string: ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series
OpenGL version string: 3.3.11631 Compatibility Profile Context
mesa-dri-drivers x86_64 7.11-5.el6 -> 9.0-0.7.el6
mesa-libGL x86_64 7.11-5.el6 -> 9.0-0.7.el6
mesa-libGL-devel x86_64 7.11-5.el6 -> 9.0-0.7.el6
mesa-libGLU x86_64 7.11-5.el6 -> 9.0-0.7.el6
mesa-libGLU-devel x86_64 7.11-5.el6 -> 9.0-0.7.el6
mesa-libOSMesa x86_64 7.11-5.el6 -> 9.0-0.7.el6
mesa-libOSMesa-devel x86_64 7.11-5.el6 -> 9.0-0.7.el6

Mar 13, 2013 at 5:49 am by Ned Slider

I guess not, if it’s not causing you an issue.
It might be that the new xorg needs the new mesa packages, but the old
xog is equally happy to run with the new or old mesa packages. So
apologies for the apparent misinformation 🙂

でも、どうやらCentOS 6.4のXのバージョンでは、ATIドライバは動かないらしいということは分かりました。

確かにCentOS 6.2で試してみたときは、件のATIドライバはきちんとインストールできたので、最悪もう一度CentOS 6.2を入れて、Xはアップグレードから除外してyumして6.4まであげればいい・・・のかなぁ。




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